General Information
The Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal and publishes only original works. Manuscripts shall be submitted via email to the editorial office ( The length of the manuscript should not exceed 7 printed pages (12 point times new roman, single-spaced DIN A 4) including all visuals, graphics, summaries in German and English. The final format-ting is the decision of the puplisher. As an exception, longer manuscripts may be submitted with the editor´s ap-proval. Additional printing costs have to be paid for by the author. The current prices can be enquired at the editorial office (see above). The papers are “pre-reviewed“ by a subject editor. Subsequently the blinded paper is reviewed with respect to con-tents and structure according to the international standards by two experts of the respective field. Authors who write in English but for whom English is the second language should have their manuscripts edited by a native speaker.
All authors listed must sign the “Authors´ declaration“ in which they have to confirm their active contribution to the paper submitted. A fixed date of publishing cannot be promised. The author will receive two galley proofs indicating spelling mistakes and misprints to be corrected. One of the galley proofs should be sent back to the publishing house as soon as possible. A change of contents is no longer possible at that stage. The authors will receive 30 free prints-offs for free when the paper is published.
Title page
a) short and concise title
b) name(s) of the author(s), address, e-mail address, telephone and fax number of the corresponding author
c) name and address of the institute where the research was carried out
d) up to 10 key words for indexing purposes
e) funding may be mentioned in a footnote
Formatting for the review process
For the review process the manuscript should be formatted as follows: please use a plain 12-pt font, 1,5 line-spacing and number all pages and lines continuously. Do not use columns. The text should be concise; subheaders might be helpful for the structure. The usage of small font (10) for additional information such as site description, test set-up or the applied methodological approach is explicitly encouraged.
Visuals and Graphics
For the review process we kindly ask you to integrate all visuals into the text. When the paper ist accepted all visuals must be submitted additionally as separate high-resolution (at least 300 dpi) image files such as TIF or EPS. As printing and editing costs are high the latter should be an exception. Graphics and tables are usually printed in a single column (85 mm); double columns (175 mm) should be avoided as far as possible. Please adapt the layout of your visuals, especially the line thickness and shading, to the smaller characters of the AFJZ print version (a reduction of the characters to 6 pt font size is generally possible). As a rule, visuals are printed in a mono-chrome mode, colour printing will be charged extra. The captions below the illustrations and the headings above the tables shall be given in German and English; the same applies to the names of rows and columns in tables.
The summary should be submitted in both German and English (length: half a page in the AFJZ i.e. one page 12 pt. font, single spaced A4 sheet) and contain a concise presentation of the most important findings. All visuals are to be referred to in order that the reader might gain a reasonable overall impression of the topic. Authors for whom Ger-man is a foreign language should have their summary checked by a native speaker. The German summary shall be complemented by the German title of the paper.
The bibliography should contain only the cited literature. The last names of the respective authors shall appear in alphabetical order. The last name is followed by a comma and the initials plus period, publication year, title, pub-lisher (for books) or journal name, including volume and pages in accordance with APA citation format.
Contact details editor:
Prof. Dr. Marc Hanewinkel
Chair of Forestry Economics and Forest Planning
Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources
University of Freiburg
Tennenbacherstr. 4
79106 Freiburg i.Br.
Tel.: +49 761 203 3691
AFJZ editor´s office:
Stephanie Aulbach-Stankovic
J. D. Sauerländer’s Verlag
Berliner Str. 46
D-63619 Bad Orb
Tel.: +49 6052-3094667
Fax: +49 6052-3094668