J. D. Sauerländer's Verlag: (01) Osterc 6087


The chestnut (Castanea sp.) is one of those species propagation is extremely difficult with. Lots of the popular methods imply disadvantages. Using sprouts or root offshoots are ineffective methods and grafting bears the risks of infection and intolerance. The effect of different parameters (clone, cutting time, cutting type) on rooting of cuttings and cutting growth was examined during a comprising experiment in the year 2002. Basically, the great difference in rooting and growing of cuttings between the hybrid clones (Castanea crenata x Castanea sativa) ‘Marsol’ and ‘Maraval’ was researched into. The cuttings from the first of three possible cutting dates (May 30) which were planted immediately developed the best rooting and formed very little callus – either in the rooting area, whereas the newly built rooting system was of high quality, which led to a strong cutting growth. The differences between terminal and basal cuttings were not so significant but they were strongest with the cuttings in the sub-optimal cutting periods (June 27, July 18). According to these findings the cutting propagation method represents an appropriate method for chestnut clone propagation.
